Private Primary Care
111 Water St Suite 3, Exeter, NH 03833 (603) 247-5442

Healthcare by Nightwater
Health is a tidal river
It constantly flows forward, day and night-
at times close, at times far, from the shore of
your daily life
Preventative Primary Care and Women's Wellness to address real health concerns in a welcoming environment allowing for patient/provider time and attention.
Preventive Health, Core Primary Care and Mental & Physical Health
We are independent but well connected to each health system in your region, lab services and imaging centers therefore allowing for patient advocacy and health accuracy across multiple health groups.
We have a core Telemedicine Suite for primary care including remote patient monitoring for vitals, HIPPA approved fully insured visits, weekly or as needed visits.

Preventive Health
Prevention is very broad. It includes age-specific screenings, cardiac screenings, women's wellness, preconception planning, vaccines, masks, safe functional housing and environment, financial planning, long-term care planning, advanced directives, and home health for care when you are older.

Core Primary Health
The goals and focus of your primary health can be wide ranging in most clinics. Here we get you focused on 5 key issues: Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Obesity and COPD/Asthma. These will set the foundation for all other conditions. We also coordinate referrals, labs, imaging and tests to help evaluate and treat complex conditions with your care specialists and health systems regionally.

Mental and Physical Health
With the Preventive and Primary Health goals underway, we then focus your plan on improving your Mental and Physical function including Arthritis, Physical Therapy, Pain Relief, Anxiety, Depression and Attention to improve your Functional Capacity with the world around you. This is essential to your best life and what most people feel daily.